Monday, December 5, 2022



1.  In the Pond, On the Bank(à´•ുà´³ം, à´•à´°)

Type: Thinking/Active

Group size: Any

Equipment: White chalk to draw a line on the floor enough for the whole group to make a circle.


Have all members of the group line outside the circle. Instruct them that they are standing “on the bank” and that the other side of the line is “in the pond”. They have to listen to your commands. The only commands that they have to react to are “on the bank” or “in the pond”. They must jump quickly to which ever side you called or be called out. The object is to be the last one standing. As the facilitator, you then start yelling commands, trying to trick the people jumping by sometimes yelling ‘in the bank” or “on the pond”, or by repeating the same command twice in a row and getting them to jump. The member who are responding wrong is out from the game. The game lasts when one person wins. 

2.Passing Ball

Type: Concentration/Active

Group size: Any

Equipment: A small ball


Members of the group  and you stand or sit in a circle. When the facilitator command “start” pass the ball to the person next to you in the circle. They continue passing the ball around the circle. When the facilitator says “stops”, the member holding the ball is out from the game. The game continues like this.  One person left  at the end of the game wins .

3.  Glass Tower Making

Type: Thinking/Concentration

Size: Individual

Equipment: Disposable Paper Glass/Glass.



Four students are invited to play the game. Each student is given with 6 glass. When facilitator commands “start” they start making  tower. To make glass tower one should place the glass on the bench provided, and on the first glass 2nd glass is placed upside down. Then on the 3rd glass , 4th glass is placed and so on to make a tall tower. When facilitator says “stop” the students stop making tower. Winner of the game is the one who makes the tall tower. It can be find out by counting the number of glass used by the winner. 

4.  Memory Test

Type: Memory Power/ Writing skills/

Size: Individual

Equipment: Gather random objects from classroom, house & or from surroundings.


Place the objects on the table .Study the objects for 30 seconds. Cover up the table with a cloth. Then the students are asked to write all the things they have seen on the table. The student who write the more is the winner of the game.

5. Kula Kula Munthiri

Type: Concentration/Active

Group size: Any

Equipment: A small handkerchief.


Have all members of the group sit in a circle except for the one who is a “Runner”. The Runner goes around the outside of the circle holding a handkerchief while singing” kula kula munthiri.”. The group  members  in the circle respond with, “Kutta niraye kond vaa”. At some point the runner  drops the handkerchief behind one member. That member has to pick up the handkerchief and chase the runner around the circle until the runner sit in the circle. Again the member who got the handkerchief becomes the runner and the game continues.




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