Friday, November 10, 2023


Question paper discussion ( Previous Year)

Qn.4. One mark
Ans: 1. Poly house farming
         2. Precision farming
Qn.5. Two marks
Ans: (a) Using chemical fertilizers or pesticides kills or destroys the micro organisms present in the microbial fertilizers.
         (b)Biofeetilizers should be used.
              Proper irrigation should be provided.
Qn 8 and 9. 2 marks  Qn 10. 3 marks.

Ans: 8 : Rhizobium , Azotobacter, Azospirillum
9. : Yes, the statement is true. By testing the soil, the presence of elements and the pH of the soil can be identified. 
10: (i) Cuniculture (ii) Rearing of rabbits for fur ( iii) Rearing of Honeybees ( iv) pisciculture (v) Floriculture(iv) Cultivation of flowering plants.

Qn 13. 3 marks
An: Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The decaying matter of one crop or organism is used as manure for crops.
By cultivating native varieties of crops biodiversity can be conserved.

Qn. 9. 2 marks and Qn 10. 3 marks.
Ans. 9: (a) Hydroponics, Aeroponics
              (b) Plants can be cultivated without water. Lack of space can be resolved.

10: (a) Azospirillum, Azotobacter
       (b)• ensure the availability of biofertilizers in the soil.
• proper irrigation should be provided.
• chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides should not be used.
Qn 2. one mark
Qn 4 . Two marks
Ans: 2: White Leghorn. Others are varities of rabbit.
Ans4: (a) Precision farming
(b) Polyhouse farming
(c) Aeroponics
( d) Hydroponics 

Qn 10 3 marks
Ans 10: (i) Apiculture
(ii) Sericulture
(iii) Catla, Rohu

Qn 12 ..three marks
Ans 12 :(i) Native or indigenous varities are high disease
resistance,  low cost of management and nutrients rich.
(ii) Kilichundan, Moovandan

Qn 2. 
I agree with second statement.
Indigenous varities are high disease
resistance,  low cost of management and nutrients rich.
Extinction of indigenous varieties causes depletion of our biological

Qn. 5 , 6 and 7 ..three marks
Ans 5: a) No, Chemical fertilizers kill microorganisms present in soil.
b) Microbial fertilizers are substances that contain microorganisms which help
to increase the fertility of soil.
c) • ensure the availability of biofertilizers in the soil.
• proper irrigation should be provided.
• chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides should not be used.

Ans6: C, ii and iv correct

Ans7: Cuniculture-Rearing of Rabbits-White giant
Apiculture-Rearing of honeybees - mellifera
Pisciculture - rearing of fish- rohu

Qn 8 three matks
Ans8: Integrated Pest Management
The basic principle of Integrated Pest Management isnot the destruction of pests totally. Instead it tries to prevent the multiplication of pests and to limit their
number without loss of crop.This ecofriendly method ensures pest control without
disturbing the environment. 

Qn 7  three marks
An7: (i) b, in sustainable agriculture, wastes are used as manure.
(ii) Biogas production, compost production

Qn 8 . Three marks 
Ans: (a) Pisciculture 
(b) Sericulture 
(d)c, others 

Qn 11. Three marks
Ans: (a) Integrated Pest Management
(b) biopesticides, Natural enimies of pests, ultra Sonic sound waves, pheromone trap etc.

Qn 9. Two marks
Ans: (a) indigenous varities
( b) Indigenous varities are high disease
resistance,  low cost of management and nutrients rich.. We must realize
that through the extinction of these food crops, we are losing invaluable treasure.
Extinction of indigenous varieties causes depletion of our biological
Qn 13. Three marks

Ans13: (a)Polyhouse farming
(b)the temperature and moisture in the polyhouse is constantly regulated. 
Nutrients can be given through drop irrigation.
Qn. 1. One mark
Ans:Bob white, others are chicken varieties

Qn. 4 one mark qn 5, 7 two marks
Ans: 4 (i) Vechoor, kasargod kullan
Ans 5: 
(a) rearing of fish
( b) rearing of silkworm 
Ans 7: wastes can be managed and we can produce compost and biogas from the organic waste and can be used it for agriculture. 
Qn. 11. Three marks

Ans: Polyhouse farming
Temperature and moisture can be covered.
Pest infestation will be less.

Precision farming
Agricultural practices in which soil is covered with polythene sheets.
Effective control of weed is possible. 

Qn 20.

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