Friday, November 10, 2023


Question paper discussion (previous year)
Qn. 6 and 7  two marks
Ans 6: (i)✓Father of Ayurveda. 
✓Wrote Charaka Samhita.
✓ Included more than 200 plants and animals. 
(ii) ✓Wrote book Historia Generalis Plantarum
✓Studied about more than 18000 plants. ✓Used the term Species for the first time.

Ans7: a)Virus.
b) HIV, Corona Virus
Qn 11 and 12 three marks 

Ans 11: Kingdom -(i) Plantae
Class- (i)Monocotyledonae
(iii)Series- Calycinae
(iv) Genus- (v) Cocos
Species- (vi) nucifera

Ans12: a) Panthera indicates Genus name and tigris indicates species name.
b) Can be identified in any part of the world.
It helps in solving the difficulties faced by organisms with more than one common name.  
c) Carl Linnaeus

Qn 1 one mark
Ans1: a) Correct sentence
b) Species is the basic level of classification
c) Correct sentence
Qn 8. Two marks
Ans: (A) Carl Woese - (iii)
(B) John Ray- (v)
(C)Theophrastus- (ii)
(D) R.H.Whittaker- (iv)
Qn 9 two marks

Ans 9: (A) Archea
(B) Monera
(C) Protista
(D) Animalia
Qn 11. Three marks
Ans11: (1) Protista- (b)- (iv)
(2) Animalia- (a)- (iii)
(3) Monera- (d)- (i)
Qn 1 one marks

Ans1: a) Correct sentence
b) John Ray used the term Species for the first time.
c) Correct sentence

Qn 4 two marks
Ans 4A: a) Cow - Bos taurus
b) Crow+ Corvus splendens
C)kanikonna- Cassia fistula

4B: a) phylum
b) Series
C) Family
d) Cocos

Qn 9 Two marks
Ans: Archeabacteria which is different in cell structure and function was included along with bacteria in 5 kingdom classification.
Carl Woese proposed 6 kingdom classification.
Qn 2. And 3 One mark
Ans2: a) correct
b) Species is a group of organism that can produce fertile offsprings through sexual reproduction.
c) correct

Ans3: (c)
Qn 6 two marks
Ans6: John Ray: Species
Carl woese: Six kingdom classification
Qn 10 three marks
Ans10: a) Giving scientific name.
b) Tiger- Panthera tigris
Paddy - Oryza sativa

Qn 12 Three marks
Ans12:a)  Chordata
b) Felidae
c) Mammalia

Qn 3 one mark 

Ans: a. Correct
b. Carl Linnaeus introduced Binomial nomenclature
c. Correct

Qn 6. Two marks

Ans: Virus do not have cell , nucleus etc. 
It is active only in a host organism.
Qn 12. and 13 three marks each
Qn 1 and 3 one mark 
Ans1: Amoeba:Protista
Crow: Corvus splendens

Ans3: a) Theophrastus
b) correct
c) Correct 

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